Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Sentencing Phase in the United States Research Paper

The Sentencing Phase in the United States - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Sentencing Phase in the United States" deals on the sentencing phase of the criminal justice system and tries to discuss some of the more urgent issues regarding this crucial phase. The justice system forms the third leg of the triad in the handling of criminal cases, the other two being law enforcement system and the penal or corrections system. All three must work together for penal sanctions to be effective as a deterrent to the commission of crimes. The wheels of justice can indeed grind very slowly and sometimes it takes years for the victims to get vindication and justice for the harm done to them. In a sense, the concern to be so careful to avoid penalizing the innocent is the main cause of this slowness in the justice system. No criminal justice system is perfect. Be that as it may, it should not prevent society nor preclude the government from imposing justice for deviant behaviors. The idea is that the system must be geared towards fairness and equality; flaws in the system can be corrected over time and must not adversely affect the sense of trust by the people that the system is indeed fair. Lapses in the procedures, processes, and practices must not undermine the whole legal system. There are a lot of variables that can confound and confuse the litigants in many instances. A person can opt out of the criminal justice system through a plea bargain agreement that will lessen the sentence to be imposed and may subject the defendant to probation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Public Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Public Finance - Essay Example Effective tax system aims at complementing government’s budget plans. Any shortfall in tax collection will lead to budget deficit that will lead to fiscal deficit. High government debt is detrimental for economic prospects of a country. It signifies weak federal structure which will affect foreign investment. Foreign investors look out for stable economies to invest their money which will yield higher returns. Governments of different nations aim at promoting its export sector to boost its foreign exchange earnings. Thus, an effective tax system would look to compensate for the high subsidy bill that is given for promoting underdeveloped and export oriented sectors. Tax system across the world are categorised in three ways i.e. regressive, proportional and progressive. In general taxes are levied on individuals and businesses. Government usually impose a certain percentage or slabs to determine the taxability of individuals and companies. There is another classification for taxes which is based on the impact and incident of taxation. It is direct and indirect. Direct taxes imply where the impact and incident is on the same individual and which cannot be shifted. Income tax, corporation tax are examples of direct taxes. Whereas consumption tax, excise duty, customs are indirect taxes. Such taxes have different points of impact and incident i.e. the burden of the tax can be shifted from the producers to consumers. In certain countries an amount is deducted from the income of individuals towards insurance contributions like NIC in UK (James, 2009). There are certain features that are attributed to the tax system to ensure equity at all levels. Governments across the world usually follow either of the three tax systems i.e. regressive, proportional and progressive. Fiscal authorities design the tax structure in a way that ensures a balance between savings and expenditure. It is a major trade off for the